GCH Gray Valley's Living the Dream, CGN

Group 4 London Canine Association 2016-07-10
I am thrilled!!! My Anthony (GCH Gray Valley's Living the Dream, CGN) is now a Grand Champion...after receiving a Group 4 placement at the London Canine Assoc. Dog Show this weekend. Thank you Judge Colbourn. We were featured in the Canadian Dog Fancier's Magazine.
Officials: Judge Colbourn
BBPIS Gray Valley's Living the Dream, CGN
Winners Dog Southwestern Ontario Sporting Dog Club 2015-07-19
At 12 months old, along with winning Winners Dog at the Southwestern Ontario Sporting Dog Club under Judge Steve Dainard on July 18, 2015, Anthony has achieved his CGN at his last show.
Officials: Judge Steve Dainard
BBPIS Gray Valley's Living the Dream

Multiple Winners Dog and Best Puppy in Breed Hamilton Kennel Club 2015-06-27
Anthony wins Winners dog and Best Puppy in Breed two days in a row!! Anthony wins at the Hamilton Kennel Club June 26 and 27, 2015 Best Puppy and Winners dog under Judge Neil Graves.
Officials: Judge Neil Graves
BBPIS Gray Valley's Living the Dream

Reserve Winners Dog Guelph & District Kennel Club Dog Show 2015-04-19
Anthony, at 9 months old wins Reserve Winners Dog two days in a row at the Guelph & District Kennel Club Dog Show - April 18/19 2015. Thank you Judge Ms. F. Smith and Mr. E Bajona.
Officials: Judge Ms. F. Smith and Mr. E Bajona
BBPIS Gray Valley's Living the Dream

Best Baby in Sporting Group Elora Gorge Kennel Club 2014-12-29
At 5 months old, Anthony makes his debut this weekend and wins Best Baby in Breed each day as well as winning Best Baby in Sporting Group on Dec 29, 2014 under Judge Skalin at the Elora Gorge Kennel Club Dog Show.
Officials: Judge Skalin