CH Jackson's Star at Gray Valley
Winners Bitch and Best of Winners and New Champion Windsor All Breed Training & Tracking Club 2019-03-24
Under spectacular Judge Wendy Schira, Starr is confirmed a Canadian Champion at the Windsor All Breed Training & Tracking Club Dog Show, March 24, 2019 at 13 months old.
Officials: Ms. Wendy Schira
Jackson's Star at Gray Valley
Winners Bitch,Best of Winners, and new Champion Windsor All Breed Training & Tracking Club 2019-03-23
Under distinguished Judge Karl- Erik Johansson of Sweden, Starr won Best of Winners at the Windsor All Breed Training & Tracking Club Dog Show.
Officials: Mr. Karl- Erik Johansson
Jackson's Star at Gray Valley
Winners Bitch and Best of Winners Windsor All Breed Training & Tracking Club 2019-03-23
Under distinguished Judge Doug Windsor, Starr won Best of Winners at the Windsor All Breed Training & Tracking Club Dog Show.
Officials: Mr. Doug Windsor
BPIG Jackson's Star at Gray Valley

Winners Bitch, Best of Opposite Sex, and Best Puppy in Sporting Group Wildwood Kennel Club Dog Show 2019-02-13
Such a nice weekend with a special win with a specular judge before her 1st thought would be nice to be in the Canadian Dog Fancier magazine this week.
Officials: Dr. Francisco Chapa
Jackson's Star at Gray Valley

Winners Bitch, Best of Opposite Sex, and Best Puppy in Sporting Group Wildwood Kennel Club Dog Show 2019-02-09
Starr was amazing today at the Wildwood Kennel Club Dog Show. She acquired Winners Bitch, Best of Opposite, and Best Puppy in Sporting Group under distinguished and spectacular Judge Dr. Francisco Chapa from Mexico.
Officials: Dr. Francisco Chapa